Almathera Ten Pack 4: Demo 1
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Give `Em' Hell Top Sprite Disk # 20
© 1991 Top Sprite software
AMOS is © 1990 Mandarin /Jawx
By Ben Ashley & Matthew Tucker
The game`s History
The idea for this came, first came about when I was at Matt`s house and I
was playing a game called Tanks on the B.B.C Micro (Now upgraded to an
Amiga!). In `Tanks' you & a friend controlled a tank, and you had to blast
each other to smithereens. It was a simple game, with simple graphics &
Sound, but it was SO PLAYABLE. So, this game is roughly based around that
game. But instead of just controlling a tank, you can control a jeep, a
plane, a helicoptor and a man. You switch between the veichles to try and
outwit your opponent.
This is the first release of Give `Em' Hell, but there was 2 other games
which I programmed before this one, so if you like this is version 1.3, but
the other games are non-existent!
1. A HQ, helicoptors and men. No shelters! You had
3 helicoptors, with which to kill your opponent.
2. This was the biggest update! This time TANKS were
introduced, aswell as shelters. This was on the brink of
release, but a Read/Write error ruined it! The planes were
computer controlled, and they just dropped bombs!
And so, you now see the 3rd version here, ready to play!
(3rd time Lucky)
The Scenario
And here we go with the plot. Even for the simplest of games, you get a
plot! I could write a 200-page plot for Space Invaders!
One day, a rich man known as Mr Glyston was walking through the mountains
looking for precious stones with his Mineral-Detector. Suddenly, it went
Bleeeeppp, bleeeeep! He immediately started digging! And, after alot of
hard work, he discovered that these mountain ranges had Almost all of the
precious minerals in the world in them! Gold, Silver, Bronze, Coal and
much more. He then got his army, (The Greens) to set-up a mining facility
which could mine all of the minerals. Then work started. Now, there was
this guy named Mr Big (Original name!), and he decided that it was not fair
that such an Already-Rich man should have access to such riches, so he
decided to attack them in the valley below the mining town. My Glyston
sent his best commando, Sgt Brad Rock, to do his dirty Work, where as Mr
Big, turned up himself.......
How you play this game
The ultimate aim of the game is to get the other player`s 2 flags, which
stand on top of each other. You can only collect the bottom one with the
jeep, and the top one with the helicoptor. When you have both, you can
return to your flag to claim the game. But, you can just totally destroy
your friend, and return to your flag, but you won`t get as many points!
Player 1, uses a joystick in port 1, and plays Sgt Brad Rock on the green
side, where as Player 2, use a Joystick in port 0, and plays Mr Big on the
Red Side.
The Screen Lay-out
Sgt Brad Rock Mr BIG!
B a t t l e F i e l d
-S-- --S-
M1 F J1 H1 T1 P1 D D P2 T2 H2 J2 F M2
M1/M2 = The men F = Flags
J = Jeeps H = Helicoptors
T = Tanks P = Planes
D = Shelter Doors S = Shelters
M = Mountains
The number following the letters correspond to the player. Player 1 plays
green, on the left, while player 2 plays Red, on the right!
You can only play this game with 2 players using 2 joysticks!
You initially both start off as the men. Get into a veichle by pressing
fire beside of it. On the 2 ground veichles, you press down to get out of
the veichle, on the plane, land it on the ground and press LEFT for player
one and RIGHT for player 2. And if you`re in the helicoptor, land it, and
You can open the Protective doors by using the tank, but If you want your
door to remain intact for as long as possible you can open it and close it
at will when it is still operational. Player 1 uses key `1' while Player 2
uses key `0'.
The Veichles Used and specifications
4 x 4 Off Road Armoured Jeep
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This high powered jeep, is quite fast, and
coated in ATOM Reflective material, it is
immune to bombs dropped by planes. This is
also the perfect escape method, it`s speed
is Un-Surpassed in Off Road Veichles!
It is used, to collect the bottom flag, from
the other sides side.
The B.A.M.T Power Tank
- - - - - - - - - - -
Now, this tank is a serious piece of hardware.
It has Iron cast battering rams on the front,
and the most awesome Power-Gun, which fire Atom
bullets! It can destroy Men, jeeps and other tanks!
It is used for knocking down doors.
It has quite good armour, and is perfect to lead into
battle with.
The Rattle Snake Helicoptor
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This is the most strongest of the 4 Veichles. It
is not coated in Atom Absorbant Material, but it
it is immune to Atom Bullets. This is used to
get the upper flag from the other side.
It`s armour is heavy, but it does not fire anything.
The Freedom Fighters used these helicoptors to drop
them in the battle zone.
The powerful A.M.O.S Plane
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Anti - Military - Obsolete - Service
This is the most awesome of the 4 veichles. It has
the power, to drop ATOM bombs, and to fire the M-2000
Multi-Purpose Lazer, which can destroy anything from
other planes, to tanks! It is fast, and furious!
You can use it because it is an amazing Backup with
more power than an ANT! BUT! It is very easily destroyed!
It`s only at it`s best when in the air!
What happens and why?
There are many things you can and can`t do in this game. The jeep cannot
pass the helicoptor or the plane, and neither can the tank. So this
implies a 1% hint of strategy in it. Flying the Chopper or plane into the
side of a mountain will blow it to pieces.
If the game becomes a No-Win, then press the `E' key to end the battle.
The player`s men`s gun, has a short range, but VERY powerful. It can
destroy Tanks and Jeeps, aswell as men.
The planes can destroy everything but doors and jeeps!
The Hi-Score table is automatically saved to disk at the end of each game!
It only takes up 100 bytes!
Technical Specifications
Only read this biut if you`re an AMOS programmer and want to change the
program to suit your tastes...........
This game is around 70k in length.
- - - -
The Still pictures are 32 colours Low Res, and all of the others are 16
- - -
For ½ Meg users, there is no music, and just simple BOOM, SHOOT Sound FX!
For 1 Meg users, there is a 40k long sample bank aswell as music
Unfortunately, during TEST-TIME, I found that ½ Meg machines crashed in
the Title sequence. It could handle the music, no problem, a speccy 48k
could! But it could`nt handle 1 32 Colour screen AND 1 16 colour screen
with music. Which is a pity really.
So, in the program it DID read....
If MEG1=1
Load "Sound/Samples.Abk",6
End If
Load "Sound/Rock`N'Blow.Abk": Music 1
But, Now; it reads:
If MEG1=1
Load "Sound/Samples.Abk",6
Load "Rock`N'Blow.Abk": Music 1
End if
Sorry, `Bout that ½ Meg users!
Features to be included and changes you can make...........
In the next release version, there will be a VERY small Editor which will
allow you to say where ALL of the objects are initially positioned. For
instance; you could have all 8 veichles scattered around!!!!
The Data, will be saved and loaded in a simple RANDOM file.
I`ll admit, there is not MUCH room to move in this game, so in the next
release, there will be a sort of `HQ' where veichles are kept, there will
lifts and stuff.
If you are NOSY and you are looking through the Sprite Set, then you`ll
notice some extra sprites.... A blue Sea-King Like helicoptor, Men
Parachuting graphics and a CRATE! Well, these are for future expansion!
there will be a supply helicoptor which will drop FLAGS, MEN and SUPPLIES
off to people, aswell as limited ammo!
Things you can add.......
Maybe get the supply helicoptor in????
A better Hi-Score table system!
Computer Controlled AIR CRAFT!
Very TECH bit
Don`t read this if you don`t know the difference between a loop and a
If you editing and changing the program YOU must read this.....
* - Do all collision detection, Co-Ord checks and updates
in the CHECKS procedure!
* - When adding extra Key-Press`s, and fire button controls
put the routines in the P1CONTROL and P2CONTROL procedures
for each player respectively.
* - If you adding WICKED music and other sampels which take up
so many Gigabytes, then make sure that they run under the
MEG1 varible. If MEG1=1 then there is an expanded Amiga
running the program, else MEG1=0!
So, if you wanted to load your 150k Music as the title...
If MEG1=1
Load "Sound/Whacko_Blast.Abk"
Music 1
End If
Give`Em'Hell also has these checks........
IF there is no Hi-Score Table THEN use a default one!
IF there is a file called `Autoexec.Bak' THEN Kill It!
If Chip Free>250000 THEN Expanded Memory Available!
Program History
I`ve decided to call this Give`Em'Hell v1.3, as there WERE two other games
that were never released. (See the History section at the beginning of this
It was originally going to be released to AMOS PD,`As Is' but, I sent a
preview copy to Nick Tucker, who gave his views. He thought it was too
easy. The first person to reach his plane and take off and go on a bombing
run would usually win. That`s why I`ve included Damage. Each veichle has
it`s own armour. The Helicoptor is probably the most strongest.
Also, still pictures have been implemented. These are just Win and Lose
compacted Dpaint IFF files. They`re nothing special as I drew them! But
they do add a hint of atmousphere to the whole game.
Now, I do apolagies to the sound! As I am only 13, I can`t exactly do
WICKED hyped up BOMB THE BASS type music, but it`s a soundtrack!
This particular score was done on MED v2.13, and saved as an ST Module.
All songs now are done on MED v3.00. Which I HIGHLY recommend to any one,
personally I think it`s better than MUSIC X,DR T`s and TFMX.
Top Sprite
AMOS is © 1990 Mandarin/Jawx
Extra Doc.
T O P S P R I T E Documentry
These documents, are included at the end of every Top Sprite release.
They include information on forthcoming releases aswell, as information
and tips on stuff already around!
Coming soon from Top Sprite (July 1991)
Being Planned:
Top Sprite's guide to: The Green Cross Code
Following in the vein of Unpleasant Ways to Die, comes a new Demo
which is utterly Awesome!
Learn how to cross the road, AND how not too!
NO, Not Blasphemes, just funny! What COULD of happened????
Top Sprite`s F-19 STEALTH FIGHTER Tip-Book
Using AMOS, in conjunction with Action Replay mk II, I`ll bring
you the hottest tips on this game!! Maps, Close ups of Targets
Diagrams of the Stealth Fighter! Even Showing you how to take off
and land, tactics and MUCH MUCH MORE.............
Being Programmed:
The NEW version is looking good already! It now has it`s own DOS!
Yes, it can execute it`s own script files and do most common CLI
functions!! Up to 20 Macro`s can be defined...... it`s excellent!
Already available
Unpleasant Ways to Die Disk 1
Megabase v2.0 Disk 2
Depeche Mode Megademo Disk 3
Give `Em' Hell
Hit-The-Target Disk 20
Megabase v2.2 Disk 23
The following stuff is P.D, some of our own. Some are not:
007 Mega Demo Disk 5
Turtles Demo Disk 6
Miller Lite Demo Disk 7
Coma,Cebit `90,Crusaders Disk 8
Music Disk:
Med v2.13
Disk 10
8-Channel Soundtracker Disk 11
Soundtracker 2.2 Disk 12
WB Hacks Disk Disk 13 (Unavailable, until Aug 91)
T.S Samples Disk # 1 Disk 14
T.S Samples Disk # 2 Disk 15
T.S Samples Disk # 3 Disk 16
Virus Killer Disk:
Zero Virus
VirusX 4.01
Virus Expert
Disk 21
+ Lots more.......
The Top Sprite Guide!
Can anyobdy write a REALLY good Hi-Score tabel system for the next release
of Give `em' Hell??? Theone which is version 1.3 is awful (The routine is
only v1.0) It places your score where it should go, but it does not do
stuff like, Move Hi-Scores down. I was thinking of using the command SORT.
That would be o.k, but how can the names stay with score if the scores are
Re-Arranged??? As I am a terrible Mathmatical and String Programmer, then
I don`t have the faintest idea hoe you do it! Could someone please send me
a good routine?? Don`t write it yet, as I Don`t have a fixed address.
One thing though, the Depeche Mode Demo is 1 MEGABYTE only. That is
because of the sheer size of the music file! (Over 110k) on top of that,
you`ve got a double buffered screen! (Wowza!)
Don`t bother writing to as at the moment (We have not got a fixed address
yet!) But when we have, here are the Do`s and Don`ts to putting things in
the mail to us!
1. Don`t bother complaining about the spelling Mistake on
Unpleasant Ways to Die. I like it the way it is!! (What an awful Busturd I
2. Please, please include criteria, stuff you want and ideas and
suggestions on already existing software, but don`t do stuff like:
Dear Top Sprite
I am writing to complain about the sheer
violence and awfulness in the demo, unpleasant Ways to Die. Me and my
husband found this very offensive. Please do not produce this stuff, I
I myself had an accident on a diving board once.
Your sincerely
Mary Lighthouse
or the answer will simply be:
Dear Mrs Lighthouse
Why did you get it in the first place? With a title
like ` Unpleasant Ways to Die' do you seriously think it`s going to go in
the disk drive smelling of roses not blood??? Also, don`t you think you
need to re-marry, and get rid of the Bl**dy awful sirname!
Actually, answers won`t be that mean, but do expect a stupid answer
if you ask a stupid question. Also, most letters will appear in the next
Top Sprite Document to appear with the next release.
3. IF you have a problem with a piece of software from TP, then of
course as usual, don`t hesitate to contact me. But, I now have a strict
rule with all software released under Top Sprite, and that is Most software
should have a trouble-shooting guide included in the .Doc, even if the game
we`ve just produced is a 500-Level, HAM MODE Mega game like the one Aaron
Fothergill was raving on about in issue 0 of the AMOS Newsletter supplied
with AMOS. (Long Sentence) If you`re supplying software to us, and don`t
know what I`m talking about, then check out the Megabase Trouble Shooting
guide! They are easy to write, just plough out all possible problems,
display them as a question and put an answer below it!
4. Supply your address, if you`re ordering stuff, or just giving me
ideas, I`ll probably get back to you as soon as possible!
All disk from Top Sprite are CERTIFIED VIRUS FREE when they are sent out.
They are put through ALL virus Killers that we have, AND an Anti-Virus
Bootblock is installed before being sent to Sandra Sharkey at AMOS PD!
So, if you have a Virus on your disk, don`t blame us, blame someone else!
Top Sprite are:
Ben Ashley
Matt Tucker
Nick Tucker
With some designs e.t.c by Matthew Sprigg!
I think Nick is putting together a demo, so watch out for that soon!
Stuff, at this moment is being put together on the following machines:
Ben Ashley:
1 Meg Amiga, Extra Disc Drive+ Fatter Agnus
Mat & Nick:
½ Meg Amiga + Fatter Agnus
I must admit, I program things with 1 Meg`s in mind, but don`t worry,
stuff like MEGABASE and UNPLEASANT WAYS TO DIE, run fine on ½ Meg systems.
It`s just a few things like DEPECHE MODE MEGADEMO that need 1 Meg for that
extra music! But actually, concerning DMM, that is rubbish and ½ Meg
owners are not REALLY missing out on anything!
I plan for Top Sprite software, to expand alot. We are planning to use an
Amiga 3000 in the near-future, and we will make ALL of our software
compatible. I saw Give`Em'Hell run on a 3000 machine. The Hi-Res mode,
made the graphics stand out, but it was too fast and needed slowing down,
aswell as a few bugs which cropped up. Don`t worry, the 3000 version will
have LOTS more music, and extra Sound FX to make it worth While!
This is a new section in the Top Sprite Documentry.
All of out software releases get, THE CRIT', and we ask people what they
think of games. These people range from Shop Assistance to other member of
Top Sprite, all giving their HONEST opinion.
Give `Em' Hell
Please note, the people below, have only seen the Pre-Release version, so
their views may be Under-Estimating!
TOM (Cavindish Commodore Centre)
Mmmmmmm, Nice. Very Nice.
NICK (Top Sprite software)
(Before he knew how to play it!)
It looks quite good!
(When he knew how to play it!)
I like the way it`s got loads of different veichles!
One of the best games since S.W.I.V (He must not like SWIV!)
(When He Got Into It!)
Excellent! I love it, but I thinka damage system should be
included! (Well Nick, don`t worry it has!)
Well, that`s the end of this release of the Top Sprite Doc. See Ya Soon!